family portrait at Schwabacher's Landing

Coussens, Sniders, Schwabacher’s Landing | Jackson Hole Photography

This was a fun set and actually some-what of a repost from the old blog.  Schwabacher’s Landing is a great photo destination – it’s easily accessible in the Grand Teton Nation Park (depending on the time of year) and really gives you a lot of what Jackson Hole has to offer in terms of great out door portrait locations – wild life, the Grand Tetons, lots of green, tall trees, the Snake River.  There’s a lot of great natural light in the area, too.

As far as landings go, it’s pretty legit – but there are tons of great locations year round in Wyoming.

I had a great time doing this family portrait session.  Family photography can be tricky, sometimes – the key is to really bring out the personalities of both family members and the family as a whole.  The Sniders and Coussens jumped right in.

I also stepped on a rotten stump that crumbled under my feet (after I already supposedly check it’s integrity) and almost fell into the Snake River, right in front of Dr. Snider and his wife.  It’s actually one of the funniest memories I have till this day.  Thankfully my Nikon is weather sealed – so maybe it would have been fine if I took a dip that evening.




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