Mom and Dad Kissing Baby in a Japanese Garden in Los Angeles

The Mora Family | Los Angeles Family Portraits

This family portrait session was a joy to capture. David worked security at the four year college I transferred in to, and we shared a lot of good, deep and thought-provoking conversations over the years – even after I graduated – rooted deep in our similar convictions and love of God. Anyways, I guess we go back a little, you could say – even before we both started having kids – but I never actually met his wife and children until we set up this photography session.

David had mentioned more than once that he would love to do a family photography set. I just so happened to be in Los Angeles the other week with all of my gear and everything came together really nice for some great portraits. We photographed these photos at an awesome Japanese Garden in the San Fernando Valley. It was timely, too – the family is packing up and moving across the country to plant a church in less than a year.

That’s one good looking family, right there. Keep having babies.



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