Cornelius Family Portrait Sessions in Los Angeles, California

The Cornelius Family | Santa Clarita Family and Baby Photography

This is another family portrait session I had the privilege of photographing while we were in Los Angeles the other month.

And really – here’s a bunch that I absolutely love from the top of my heart – what an absolute joy to have been able to capture their family through some very important moments of their lives.

As I’ve grown older (older), I’ve thought through really what has caused certain relationships to endure, and some to burn out.  I’ve known childhood relationships that I thought would stand the test of time, only to fade into obscurity; strong relationships from my young(er) adult / old(er) teenage days that have started to sizzle out – much to my own grief; and then, there are those relationships that, by all accounts, just shouldn’t have lasted as long as they have but are now some of the strongest, ever.  I would say these two fall in to that last category.

They’ve seen me at some relatively low and hard points in my life.  I even lived with Mike for a time, and I’m sure that wasn’t so easy for him or my other dear room mates.  They’ve (individually and together) been with me through many a bad decision, convinced me not to try to win back girls who broke up with in college, inspired me, encouraged me, pointed me more toward Christ and loving God more whole-heartedly.  We’ve fought, cried, bled, reconciled, grown – and in the end, we were all in each other’s weddings.

Yep.  I don’t know what else, besides God’s shear grace, that has kept us together these years, but now here we all are – married to our once girlfriends, settling down, having families.  Looking forward to our futures together.


Enjoy this portrait set, and their sweet (and a little tired) baby.



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