
Aaron and Jess’s Jackson Hole Barn Wedding

I think most photographers would agree that generally, when it comes to handling bookings, women are usually the primary contact. Whether it’s a (future) bride, a mother, grandmother, daughter, etc., they’re usually the ones handling all the logistics, scheduling, coordinating, and even the paperwork… And maybe it goes without saying (and I will admit this, as a husband/father) that it’s sometimes for the best!

I say all that, though, because when I get a phone call or email from a guy, and that guy remains the primary contact throughout most of the planning, that really says something about the priority that guy has put on his marriage. And please, don’t get me wrong… grooms out there, if your wife/fiancé handled all of this hard work, be sure to thank her – she’s definitely a valuable asset to your ability to function well. That doesn’t mean by any means that you don’t hold your marriage high. However, in the short time I spent with Aaron and Jessica, it wasn’t hard to see where that sort of thoughtfulness came from.

Thanks for having me out, guys. And congratulations!



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